Business mentorship-management

I offer coaching with a psychotherapeutic orientation. Psychotherapy is a major influence on life coaching. It understands how people think, feel and react. Life coaches who rely solely on business experience or coaching tools can be ill-equipped to enable deep-rooted change. If life coaching is to be successful, it must engage with unconscious resistance and evoke a depth of personal understanding.

Coaching with a psychodynamic orientation allows people to explore the relationship between their instinctive drives and their goals and recognises the importance of the unconscious in facilitating self-awareness. 

Psychodynamic coaching can be useful

  • when you want to develop political or interpersonal skills

  • to help you understand other people’s behaviour

  • to deal with senior managers

  • to lead and manage team members

  • to deal with difficult people

  • when you want to learn more about your strengths and weaknesses

  • when you want to change self-defeating behaviour

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
— Lao Tzu